CLHG Meeting 8th September The Lion Salt Works
Thursday 8 September 2016,
Speaker: Peter Solan,
Topic: Lion Salt Works
Contact Link:
There is a "YouTube" short video on the restoration which was greatly aided by The National Lottery.
This meeting marked the first of our winter programme and we were able to welcome returning members,
alongside some new ones, to our new venue, the Culcheth Centre on Jackson Avenue.
Peter Solan is a Trustee of the Lion Salt Works and a researcher into its history.
At the start of his presentation he proudly announced that the Lion Salt Works had received a National Lottery award
as it had been voted UK's Best Heritage Project of 2016. (See YouTube link above)
Then using maps and plans Peter explained the geology of the Northwich area and the reasons for the accumulation
of salt bearing strata. He described how the salt brine was lifted and processed, how it differed from rock salt and
explained, in some detail, the development of the works under various members of the Thompson family, until its sale
to the Salt Union in 1888.
Peter had some interesting slides and stories about some of the characters involved in the salt extraction, including
the greed, theft of 'brine' conflicts, deaths by misadventure (!) and the general conflict of early competing firms.
We thank him for his excellent presentation. and would recommend a visit to the site (pay for entry) a part of
West Cheshire Museums. (See contact link above.)
Our Tenth Aniversary.
2016 marks the 10th anniversary of the History Group so to round off the meeting and as a special treat to celebrate
this milestone,
We had cake, lots of cake!
[©Zoe Chaddock]
Exterior view.
An exterior view of the Lion Salt Works prior to entrance.